What does the SCIO actually do?
The SCIO scans your body like an anti-virus on a computer, looking for imbalances and abnormalities like: pathogens, deficiencies, food sensitivities, functionality of systems like digestive and endocrine. It picks up on the biological reactivity and resonance in your body and indicates needs, dysfunctions, and vulnerabilities.
It scans the body’s 9000 frequencies to detect weaknesses such as viruses, nutritional deficiencies, toxins, abnormalities, and food sensitivities.
The SCIO highlights anything that is affecting your health and together with other tests like lab bloods, microscope, urine testing and more gives us a big piece of information to identify causes and aggravations. For example, if someone has digestive trouble, the SCIO may show that the person might have had jaundice as a child, which is still causing then problems. Reactions to various types of foods, chemicals, and other substances are revealed and can be further investigated.
Unique SCIO Features
Unlike any other therapy device on the market, the SCIO has a built-in mechanism that monitors the subject during the session. This ensures the individuality of each test and therapeutic session. Constant feedback features allow the SCIO to change the settings of amplification and frequencies during any of the therapies to ensure that the needs of the subject are always taken into consideration. This allows the device to cease therapy automatically as soon as the subject’s reactions show that maximum effectiveness has been achieved; thus, providing maximum safety.
Very much like an ultrasound would send out a sound wave to get back a picture so the SCIO sends various frequencies to organs and systems and gives feedback on the communication between cells and to correct imbalances when needed. It is then the work of a qualified and experienced therapists to interpret those results and give treatments and lifestyle advice to guide body back to health.
The SCIO is not meant to diagnose
Individual tests
What to expect of the first appointment:
Initial Consultation: 60 min R1350
Your medical history
SCIO analysis and treatment
Live blood analysis
Hemoglobin (HB), Iron (HCT) test
Urine analysis
Glucose test
Polysan anti-body test
Discussion and Feedback
Brief nutritional advice
Mineral Concentrate drops, programmed for your specific needs
Supplements and not included
Follow-Up Consultations: 60 min R1220
SCIO analysis and treatment
Live blood analysis
Hemoglobin (HB) and iron(HCT) test
Urine test
Polysan anti-body test
Discussion and feedback
Adjustment of medicine
Supplements not included
Please note: reports will only be done on request, and at a cost.
Live Blood Analysis & Polysan - R850
Dried Blood Cell Analysis works by acquiring a sample of blood (with a small prick from the finger), and viewing the sample through a high-powered microscope to determine the condition of the body.
This gives us very important information like digestive dysfunction, anemia, oxygen in blood, quality of red and white blood cells, candida, cholesterol, blood PH and more.
Ozone, Molecular hydrogen & Rife Therapy
R250 per session - 30 min
Ozone strengthens your immune system
Ozone kills bacteria and viruses on contact
Ozone increases the oxygen level of your cells
Ozone detoxifies your body
Ozone reduces inflammation
Ozone has been known to kill HIV
Ozone can kill cancer cells.
And about another 100 medical benefits more
As a lack of sufficient oxygen is a mayor cause of poor health, leading to conditions such as arthritis, low immunity, constant tiredness, cancer, regular colds and flu’s, hay fever, migraine, low vitality etc, when the body is flooded with an activated form of oxygen, namely ozone, people consistently report that these conditions as well as their general health, well being and energy levels dramatically improve
What you need to know -
Ozone, Molecular Hydrogen & Rife
Molecular Hydrogen Therapy R150 - 30 Min
Scientifically & Medically demonstrated to have therapeutic efficacy for various diseases..
It is a powerful FDA Approved:
Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy , anti-tumor, anti-obesity & anti-aging
Lou Gehrig’s disease
Parkinson’s disease
Rife Therapy R100 - 30 Min
Rife frequency therapy, put simply, is a term for the use of ultrasound to kill pathogens. This ultrasound can be produced in multiple ways but the ultimate effect is that it becomes sound inside the human body.
Most every germ or pathogen has its own resonant frequency at which it will vibrate and shake until its structure is disrupted. Most bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens, etc., have very weak outer cell wall and when the right "frequency" is aimed at them, they will dissolve and fall apart.
There is no danger to mammalian cell membranes and cell organelles, because they do not have structures that are permanently disrupted by Rife type ultrasound technology. Incidentally, the intensity of rife ultrasound is thousands of times less than the standard ultrasound they use to view babys in the womb! This is explained in more detail in some of the articles by Physicist and Inventor, Gary Wade. Once the basic principles of this science are grasped, it is quite easy to see how this really works and how it can be applied to all manner of pathogen-based diseases.
Nutritional Health therapy R600
It can be overwhelming to chance the way you have been eating when you discover that you have food sensitivities. We understand that, thus we give you support and guidance on replacing ingredients and showing you what to eat and how to prepare it.
Neuro Linguistic Programming R550
Set your goal (define precisely what you want)
Take action to achieve your goal
Evaluate the changes produced by your actions
Change your action plan if necessary to achieve better results
Imagine being able to learn and understand more quickly… motivate yourself and others, even when you don’t feel like it… discover richer and more meaningful relationships… have peace of mind even under stress… enjoy abundant self-confidence in any situation… and more…
NLP helps improve every aspect of your life
Comra- Laser Therapy and Stem cell regeneration Combined with rife
R350 per session - 45 Min
Comra Laser Therapy is the only laser of its kind in the world. Combining ultra sound, laser and electromagnet makes for one powerful and unique laser. The combination helps the laser to penetrate as deep as the organs. It is completely safe and effective. It also does stem cell regeneration
Polysan (antigen - antibody) Test - R350
Polysan test is a simple wat to assess constitutional health. Developed by Carl Spengler in Switzerland, the Polysan contain colloids that are derived from serum which has been inoculated with certain pathogenic germs or toxins. A drop of blood can reveal latent infections from individuals like or that have been inherited from previous generations. When antibodies are present in blood due to former disease, they react with the respective Spengler colloid as an antigen-antibody reaction to indicate possible masked infections.
30 Day Meal plan PDF - R250

HCT (Iron) & HB test R50
Glucose test R50
Urine Strip test R50
As I said, you were the angel the Lord led me to, when I was in a VERY bad shape,and going into heart failure in January. I don’t think at that stage, I had had the chance to come completely to terms with Anita’s passing away 6 months earlier - it was most traumatic, as we were very close… Through the Lord, YOU brought me into this period of remission, and renewed quality of life - feeling bodily well again, and having the mental agility to pray, read and meditate on His word again - and even travel to the other side of the world and to meet up and have sweet fellowship with a few, very isolated, but upright, hearty souls who shine there as beacons of light for Jesus (south of Russia, Georgia and Armenia). This experience, far eclipsed al the natural beauty and wonders I saw. That was truely the healing I needed for my soul at this stage of my life….and YOU made it possible❣️Thank you Zandré - and the Lord 🙏🏻.
As far as this mortal body of mine goes, I accept that I am growing old and that life on this earth does not last for ever (last week I read in James’s letter, chapter 4 verse 14, about life: “You are a mist that appears for a while, then vanishes”) … and I have had this beautiful period of remission to consolidate my deep faith and belief in Christ, and find find a great measure of ‘closure’ of a very full and blessed life, especially being able to touch so many lives as an healer and comforter ( Not many elderly, or even young ones, have this ‘period of grace’, before facing eternity). I was first touched by Jesus at the tender age of 12, and at 17years of age, (the end of my matric year), I fully yielded and gave my heart to the Lord. Yes, live has had a varied path - and sheep tend to wander at times … , but they are brought back by the Shepherd, because they know, love and trust in His voice. Because I am now getting to be an old man, a complete cure or healing, takes a secondary place to just fully accepting, and fitting into his WILL for my life… if it is complete healing, YES, I accept with gratitude and praise from the depths of my heart (and I know He will give it, if it is His will)- if it is not, I accept that too, and praise Him for the respite granted ! I feel at present like Paul writes Philippians 1 verse 23 :”I am torn between the two: the desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far”, but if He has any further use for me in this life, I am willing to remain… I think especially of my small grandson, who is almost 3 years old, and my youngest son, who next month opens his own independent dental technicians laboratory in Windhoek. But also as Paul writes in 2Timothy 4 verse 8 - if it is God’s choice for me to depart, I have the faith to believe, that I too will receive the crown of righteousness, which awaits all who LONG for His appearing (and looking at what is presently happening in this world, I feel the time is very close !). I do not pray for a longer or extended life on this earth, but rather just to have the ability ( especially mentally) to have quality fellowship with Him, as I mentioned above.
I would loved to have had the chance to meet with Chuck Berry, but I just would not have been able to make it in time… Pretoria is not quite just around the corner 🤗😁. I thank you again for all your love, interest, comfort, kindness and support - and above all your help through His amazing guidance.. For the rest I feel , we will just continue as we are, and trust in his Holy Will. Thank you Zandré ❤️🩹. With my deepest respect for you and deep appreciation. Your friend in Jesus, Rodger.
Dr Rodger
I was diagnosed with breast cancer nine years ago. I was treated with chemo therapy but my cancer count went up from 36 to 55. I had very bad side effect from the treatment. I felt ill and felt it would be better to die than to carry on this way. I felt hopeless.
After my first consultation with Dr Botha I left there feeling hopeful.
She designed a custom plan for me targeting the causes of my cancer, hormones, nutrition and rebuilding my body to fight the cancer.
Within a few days I felt better than I did in years.
After three weeks as a day patient doing ozone, SCIO and complimentary medicine a blood test confirmed that my cancer count went down from 55 to 34.8. This was the best news.
I am positive and are now maintaining my health.
Annelien Gainer
Fat freeze

6 in 1 Cavitation, Laser & lipo slimming and beauty machine.